You would like to book an appointment but do not have the financial means at the moment? Please check out our promotions

Laura Tantra Massage Bondage Shibari Koeln


All massages up to and including 2 p.m. start cost 20 euros less. This discount is only valid on presentation of the "Magic Monday" coupon. Please just print it out and bring it with you.

Cannot be combined with other discounts. One discount per person. The amount will not be paid out.

Magic Monday Ananda Koeln
Tantra Massage Coaching Koeln Workshops
Tantra Massage Coaching Koeln Workshops

Informationen zu unseren Rabatt-Flyern

Hin und wieder gibt es bei uns Aktions-Flyer mit denen Sie einen Rabatt für Ihre Termine bei uns bekommen (gültig für alle unsere Angebote außer Events).

Bitte bringen Sie ihren Rabattflyer einfach mit zum Termin. Beachten Sie dabei den Gültigkeitszeitraum.

Das Kleingedruckte: Der Betrag wird nicht ausgezahlt | Pro Person nur ein Rabatt | Nicht mit anderen Rabatten kombinierbar | Gilt nicht für den Einkauf von Gutscheinen | Auch bei telefonischer Buchung gültig.

Tantra Massage Coaching Koeln Workshops

Note on possible cost coverage in special cases (German residents only)

Persons who had to experience sexualized violence in childhood and adolescence have the possibility to apply for reimbursement. The costs for sexual coaching, counseling and Tantra massage at Ananda or another member of the Professional Association for Tantra Massage Berufsverbandes für Tantramassage (TMV) have already been reimbursed in numerous cases. We are pleased about this recognition of our work.

Further information on how to apply to the Sexual Abuse Fund Fonds Sexueller Missbrauch in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

If you have any questions regarding the application process, you can also contact Coco Heinz from the Ananda team without obligation.

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