1. How we understand our Work

Ananda offers whole body massages, Massage- and sex coachings, sexual counseling, sensual room for experiences and competent information and help regarding any questions related to sexuality.

Additionally Ananda opens a space to explore alternative roles and ways of behaving regarding gender roles. Couples and single people can get concrete coaching and counseling at our place. Our work is motivated by a distinct spirit of research when it comes to sexual topics - at times this might be show in a playful provocation when it comes to sexual norm society defines. In this way Ananda contributes to establishing a new erotic culture in society.

We are the biggest institute for holisting bodywork and coaching in Germany and are correctly identified as trend setters and pioneers. The owner Martina Weiser herself has massage certification and leads a team of engaged and qualified staff. Additionally she is a founding member of the German tantra-massage association.

Since January 2017 Ananda also hosts the online platform www.trustedbodywork.com – a directory of zertified bodywork practicioners , including an online-magazine and blog.

2. Our Tantra Massage

We believe that a sensual whole body massage by ANANDA offers a big contribution to discovering your own joy of life, your body and your sensuality in a natural way.

For us bodily comfort, mindful touch and sensual enjoyment are important parts for a successful and good life. This does not just include knowing biological and anatomical aspects of the human body and sexuality but also self-determination, the affirmation of personal lust and joy and the cognitive ability to know yourself and others, sensitivity and sensual contact with ourselfes and others. Our way of performing a massage honors the body and the person in their mindfulness. Its ethos teaches joy, honor, consideration, attention, care, diligence, openess, respect for others, courage and the ability to choose for yourself what benefits you.

Our massages aim at expanding our guests range of perception and to help provide a better body feeling. It gently enforces the thought to make the guest stay in the moment. Slowly the whole body is adressed, touched and involved in the experience - our aim is not to open a painful process that adresses traumata but a thoroughly sensual experience that provides relaxation and calm. To this goal we apply different massage techniques, from slow and tender strokes to powerful grips to also relax deeper tensions.

Our overall aspiration with our massage is to offer a feeling of well-being, relaxation and devotion. We think a massage is a success when a guest leaves our place with a good feeling of having been touched empathetically and masterfully. A thorough success is the change of a guest's perception of his body and life to something more positive.

To achieve this we provide our massages in an athmosphere of great care. We approach our guest with sympathy and accepting them without judging his looks or age according to usual society norms. This non-judging approach makes it possible for trust to develop, to be accepted as human.

Every massage includes a lot of nonverbal communication between the team member and our guest. Impulses will be perceived and reacted to. This resonance makes every massage unique, even if there is a general guideline to how it is performed. An intensive massage develops a dynamic that feels like a third person is directing and guiding it. Spontaneity and flexibility are factors that define a massage at ANANDA. It can be compared to a an artistic act, comparable to a performance or an improvised gig of a music group. One of our most important skills is intuition. It gets more specific with each massage experience and offers us a way to more and more react to the needs of a guest over time.

If you look at it another way you can call the massage a form of ritual: performed in its own safe space the team members develop a heightened state of attention and follow a fixed choreography. As we are also naked we encounter our guest on the same level, separated from daily life. By undressing we let go for a moment about the usual life and status and discover with our naked guest the ritual space. By doing so our perception of the moment strenghtens and we become the masseuse - by which the afore mentioned nonverbal communication is made possible.

3. Sexual Coaching, Sex Counseling, Workshops

Because we have over 20 years of experience we offer our expertise and ou knowledge in the form of individual sexual coachings, sex counseling and workshops for single persons or couples. By body and coaching work and our presence in the media Ananda aims to portrait the attitude we have in our place towards sexual topics and the accumulated knowledge. Due to this information about lesser known subjects (e.g. Prostate- or G-point Massage) can also reach the public.

Ananda contributes to building a positive sexual culture and offers educational work about feas, clichees and role models. Tangible solutions are provided for relationship problems that may arise out of sexual disturbances, for example lack of lust or premature ejaculation.

All Ananda team members that provide coaching, counseling or workshops aquired their knowledge in many different trainings and workshops over time. Guests can always count on having a konwledgeable contact and to receive practical solutions based on year-long experience. Among others we employ the methods of Sexological Bodywork, Sexocorporel and other (body)-therapeutic schools of thought. Our focus is always on the person, their dignity and our respect for any story we encounter.

4. The Ananda Team

Every guest is greeted in a warm and personal way making you feel accepted and welcome right from the start. It is very important to us that we offer you a respectful and polite attitude which comes naturally to us. We offer time for any questions or requests to be answered.

Every person working for ANANDA has a strong and creative personality and knows about their own strengths. We identify with our work and develop our craft continously, from learning more about the body to pursuing questions regarding sensual or erotic issues in society. The whole team works actively and in solidarity by applying the consent model to broaden the offers that ANANDA provides.

Our self-image is not that of a therapist. We identify more as coaches or traveling companions. We want to take our guest on a holistic, sensual and unique journey of discovery. While during a session barred emotions might break to the surface it is not our primary aim to resolve emotional blockades or traumata even though this might happen. Instead we believe that it is about dedicating yourself to the experience, broaden your horizon and make limits a little less rigid. We see ourselves as competent travel buddies to guide you into new territory.

We maintain a libertine mentality and employ a relaxed attitude towards the body and sensuality. Our relationship to our guests is close and intimate but based on a general love for humankind. We do not strive for deep personal relations with our guests. Instead we offer everybody who comes to us a space free of personal entanglements and expectations, a free space to experiment on your body.

Tantra-Massage - touch as calling and work. A film from the professional association of Tantra-Massage, an organisation many of our team members are engaged in (German only).