Tantric Massage and Seminars in Cologne in two locations - What's the difference? If you are ever interested in tantra seminars and workshops, we would like to recommend you the institute AnandaWave in Cologne.

ANANDA and AnandaWave have common origins and offer an equally high quality.

ANANDA was founded in 1997 by Michaela Riedl, Martina Weiser and Silvio Wirth - it is one of the first tantric institutes in Germany.

Soon Silvio Wirth dedicated himself to his own tantric school Secret of Tantra (now close to Berlin).

Until 2005 Michaela Riedl and Martina Weiser managed ANANDA together.

In 2005 Michaela Riedl founded the institute AnandaWave. Martina Weiser enlarged and totally redesigned ANANDA, which is now focussed on Massages and Coachings offered by a team of more than 30 practitioners.

Martina and Michaela still cooperate in the tantric massage association and they help organizing events like "sexual culture day" each year 1st June www.sexuelle-kultur.de

Ananda Tantra Massage Köln AnandaWave und Ananda

ANANDA - The Art of Touch

Tantra-Massage for Singles and Couples

Frankfurter Straße 40

51065 Köln (Wiener Platz)

Tel.: 0221- 608 65 85


AnandaWave und Ananda | Dakini Köln | Dakini und Ananda Tantra-Massage

AnandaWave - Space for sensual Experiences

Training and Workshops

Eberplatz 9

50668 Köln

Tel.: 0221- 179 35 11


Tantra Massage Coaching Ananda Koeln 1500Px