Isabella 3 Tantra Massage Sexualberatung Koeln


Main Offers: Tantra massage, experienced practitioner for women

"Experiencing the magic of the ritual never ceases to touch me. Within a short time, a person can gain trust, allow closeness and welcome deep relaxation."

Isabella Header Tantra Massage Koeln

Beyond the idea of right and wrong lies a place. There I will meet you.


15 minute free preliminary talk via phone or video

I am offering you a preliminary talk via phone or video to allow more room for questions. This will give you the opportunity to find out if we 'click' while gaining more insight in my way of body-work.

The duration is approx. 15 minutes - free of charge.


Please write an email to:

About Isabella

With her life-affirming attitude and friendly nature Isabella invites you to trustfully surrender yourself into her hands. Being guided by her heart, she meets our guests with impartial acceptance and gives them the deep feeling of being welcome. Her touch accompanies people harmoniously and diversely through gentle relaxing moments and sensual, dynamic flights of fancy.

Data & Facts

  • Experience

    Member of the Ananda team since 2008

  • Languages

    German, English, French, Italian

  • Qualification

    Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV® (AZ)

Background & Training