Play is a state of carefree, relaxed existence, encompassing all aspects of tenderness.
Isabella Guanzini

Main Offers: Tantra massage according to TMV
For me, a tantric massage is a tenderly cheeky expedition through the jungle of one's own (bodily) sensations. One goes in search of the blossoms and buds of one's own lust and firmly established social conventions.
Note: Appointments with Johanna are very sought after. Please sign up to our waiting list when when booking online. Your patience is much appreciated. It will help us greatly if you specify several possible dates and time slots.
Part of the appointments are reserved for persons identifying as female. These can only be booked via e-Mail or telephone.

About Johanna
Whether this expedition to your sexual self becomes a playful, light-footed walk or an intense journey of emotional depth: I will accompany you with my alert, non-judgmental gaze, sensually warm touch, humor and support.
I discovered Tantra for myself at the age of 25. I am so happy I found the courage and curiosity so early. Since then I have been living my sexuality with much more liberty, alertness and satisfaction. And this doesn't stop with my sexuality but has been impacting also other aspects of my life. Being able to communicate my needs and limits in such a vulnerable situation also helps me in other inter-personal situations.
The beauty of tantra is that we are all naked. This does not only mean getting unclothed but acts as a metaphor for a human-to-human-encounter. No matter which masks, cocoons, securities and insecurities one brings to a massage. In the end I will face a human being. And I will encounter this person with appreciation, attention and respect. This implies that I, being naked as well, will be treated the same way.
This is why I am reaching out especially to young people to motivate an early confrontation with sexual potential. Apart from exciting sexperiments and with focus on sexuality being a source for self-awareness carrying one through life like a river.
More about me and my work:
A video-report with Johanna (in German only) WDR Frau TV auf Facebook
More about Johanna's work
Johanna about Youngtra
Johanna über Sexualcoaching
Data & Facts
Tantric massage practitioner since January 2019
German, English
Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®
Zertifizierte/r Sexualberater:in
Background & Training
10/2019 – now
Tantramasseurin bei Ananda, Köln
01/2019 – now
Zertifizierte/r Sexualberater:in
01/2018 – 09/2019
Umgang mit sexuellen Störungen - AnandaWave
Ich möchte es kurz und knapp machen. Die Tantra-Massage bei Johanna ist wie ein 2. Frühling und einfach nur genial. Freue mich auf das nächste mal.