Luna 3 tantra massage sexualberatung koeln


Main Offers: Tantra-Massage in the style of AnandaWave

For me, the Tantra massage is a touch that goes "under the skin". It touches body, mind and soul and is a way to experience a deep connection with oneself.

It takes calm to discover the power that lies within us.

Anselm Grun

Luna about her massage

During a massage with me you are simply allowed to BE.

Just as you ARE, in the here and now and with everything that belongs to it.

Regardless of your gender, sexual orientation, origin, age or appearance, you are very welcome.

I offer you a mindful, sensual Tantra massage, which we will adapt to your needs together.

With mindful touch and loving closeness I accompany you on your journey to meet yourself.

I approach you in a reverent attitude and give you the space to feel, explore and rediscover yourself.

My massage can be calm, relaxed, playful, sensual, pleasurable, experimental, exploratory, wild, gentle, flowing, holding, grounding, arousing, emotional, loud, quiet, or just as it feels right for you today.

I invite you to lovingly accept, feel and express all emotions and sensations that may show up in the massage - laughing, screaming, crying, moaning, quietly enjoying. Anything that helps you arrive in your body is welcome.

Your body is the living home of your soul and spirit.

Tantra massage is an encounter through touch on all three levels: Body, Soul and Spirit.

It is possible that during the massage a SELF-healing process is set in motion and painful areas, stuck emotions or negative memories are released, melt away and are integrated thanks to the touch.

With my full attention and I lovingly accompany you in your process.

Grief, anger, joy and desire - everything is welcome.

I look forward to our encounter and thank you for your trust and courage.

Data & Facts

  • Experience

    Erfahrung mit Tantra-Massage seit Sommer 2022

  • Languages

    German, English

  • Qualification

    Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®

Background & Training