Stina Tantra Massage Sexualberatung Koeln


Main Offers: Tantra massage, coaching and workshops for singles and couples

Stina accompanies you with her contagious joie de vivre as an attentive listener. In combination with her tantra competence and experiences as a sexual coach you can explore and expand your horizons.

Who are you as a sensual being when there are no expectations from the outside?


Stina about her work

During a massage, a coaching or a workshop I will be your guide to new experiences, to find out what you truly want and where your limits are.

Who are you as a sensual being when there are no expectations from the outside? What do you wish for in your relationships and your sexuality? Are you happy with your sexuality? Are there any unanswered questions concerning sexual topics? I am really curious which topics, questions and longings you choose to bring.

Feel safe to make new experiences and find creative solutions for your challenges - I will guide you. Maybe together we are able to locate blind spots that prevent your true potential from unfolding....I will always meet you on eye-level as you are the expert for yourself.

My offer goes out to singles and couples with a special emphasis on unconventional relationships.

In addition to my experience as a sexual coach and tantra masseuse, my own - meanwhile 15 years - experience with open relationship models and my competence as a psychological consultant (gestaltfundierte Therapie) flow into my work.

20 minutes of free advice?

Please send an email to:

Your mail should mention your topic and when you would be available for an appointment via Skype or telephone. Stina will get back to you asap.

Please cancel appointments at the latest 24 hours in advance if you are unable to attend.

Tantric massage offers

Data & Facts

  • Experience

    Tantra masseuse according to Andro

    psychological consultant (gestaltfundiert) 


  • Languages

    German, English

  • Qualification

    Tantric Massage Practitioner Andro® L1

    Tantric Massage Practitioner Andro® L2

Background & Training