Christoph Tantra Massage Sexualberatung Koeln


Main Offers: Tantra massage

"For me the massage is an opportunity to lose myself in space and time – to arrive in the here and now. Not having to do anything and being allowed to just feel. Attentively, consciously and without intention. Savouring a journey through the body with all senses."

Trusting in Christoph and being touched by him makes everything good for me.

Feedback by Isi after a tantra massage session

20 minute informative call free of charge

If you are not sure yet if my offer is the right one for you please reach out. I offer a 20 minute informative call free of charge either via phone of Skype. Please send a message with your contact details to:


Interviews mit Christoph als Podcast (German only)

Homophobia and traumatic experiences of abuse. Among other things, this is addressed in this interview (...) Christoph also talks about the reasons why some people take advantage of tantra massages and that this often happens alongside psychotherapy in order to involve the body. Tantra can be healing on many levels. Together with his wife, he gives workshops and seminars on the subject of mindful love.

If you want to try something new in bed, you don't have to make a big effort. Shifting down a gear can be enough. In this episode, sex coaches Angela and Christoph Kraus explain what slow sex can achieve.

About Christoph

"For me the massage is an opportunity to lose myself in space and time – to arrive in the here and now. Not having to do anything and being allowed to just feel. Attentively, consciously and without intention. Savouring a journey through the body with all senses.

During my search for a certain quality of touch I discovered the Tantra massage. My first massage (at Ananda’s) touched me so deeply and fascinated me so much, that a wish arose inside of me to also be able to reach people so deeply within.

Now I know that it was always in me. My male presence, my love and surrender are channelled to you, from the first moment and accompany you through your journey.

Beaming eyes after a massage say more than a thousand words."

More information about Christoph's offers

Sex coaching

Christophs Slow Sex Coaching für Paare

Sexual counceling via Skype or phone call

Achtsam Lieben - Das Buch von Angela und Christoph Kraus

Achtsam Lieben - Eine sexuelle Entdeckungsreise für mehr Sinnlichkeit, Intimität und Nähe

DIN A5, 220 Seiten, Softcover, ISBN 978-3-347-70975-1

Sexualität ist immer noch eines der größten Tabuthemen und oft läuft es anders, als wir es uns wünschen. In unserer Gesellschaft wird zu selten vermittelt, wie wir uns sexuell begegnen und wie tiefe Verbundenheit und Intimität im körperlichen Kontakt erlebt werden können.

Das Prinzip der Achtsamkeit in Sexualität und Berührung zu integrieren, kann ein entscheidender Schlüssel zur Veränderung sein. Denn es ist möglich, ein erfülltes Liebesleben mit mehr Sinnlichkeit, Genuss und Freude zu erfahren. Ganz unabhängig vom persönlichen Alter oder der Dauer einer Beziehung.

Dieses Buch versteht sich als Wegbegleiter: Zahlreiche Übungen laden dazu ein, das geteilte Wissen direkt umzusetzen. Ganz offen und authentisch sprechen die Autoren auch über ihre eigenen Erfahrungen.

24,90 Euro

hier direkt bestellbar

Data & Facts

  • Experience

    Therapist for mental Training, Relaxation- and Health Theory

  • Languages

    German, English

  • Qualification

    Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®

Background & Training