With your flowing touch, you have the ability to follow the "movement of the cat" - something I rarely experience with masseurs
Gästefeedback von R.

Main Offers: Tantra massage in the style of AnandaWave
The playful shaping of interpersonal interactions has fascinated and inspired me for a long time. For me, tantra massage is sensual self-exploration and access to a deeper understanding of my own sexuality and personality.
My tantra massage:
This sensual journey is all about you. Mindfully and sensitively, I will open up a space for you in which you can be completely yourself, in which you can feel everything. A unique moment where no one else is listening, watching or judging.
During this massage, I invite you to let go of everything that prevents you from meeting yourself completely impartially: Old beliefs about who you are or who you have to be, constricting morals, shame and judgments.
As your travel companion, I support you in exploring inner spaces and states beyond the familiar and known, beyond right and wrong. Through my unintentional presence and closeness, I give you a sense of security and trust.
Your body enables you to perceive an incredible variety of sensory impressions, to feel and experience yourself and the world around you. I will touch and honor your body as part of your divine self.
By touching your whole body, your innermost being is often touched as well. I invite you to be curious, playful and open to whatever may show up in this moment.
I massage
Queer and non-binary people
Data & Facts
Since 2019 involved in giving tantra massages
Seminar assistant at various AnandaWave seminars since 2021
German, English
Background & Training
10/2013 – now
Lecturer for body, health, nutrition, education for sustainable development, music
Start in the Team of Ananda
05/2019 – 10/2023
06/2011 – 09/2013
Nutrition and health advice for private individuals and companies
Diploma in Nutritional Sciences (Ecotrophology)
Eine spontane Entscheidung für das Abenteuer Tantra-Massage führte mich zu Ananda und zu Dennis.
Durch seine liebevolle und warmherzige Art schafft er eine Atmosphäre, die es mir leicht machte mich in die neue Situation ein zu fühlen. Dennis hat eine sehr schöne Stimme und wunderschöne Hände.
Jenseits von Zeit und Raum durfte ich diese besondere Erfahrung genießen. Ich bin Dennis dankbar für seine Begleitung, seine Präsenz und die Art wie er meinen Körper berührt hat. Für mich ist eine Tür aufgegangen. 🌸
Hatte heute mein erstes Baderitual udn das mit Dennis, es war so toll, Dennis weiss genau, was einem im Wasser gut tut und ich hab es sehr genossen, so ein richtiger toller Wassermann , der sich gut um seine Nixe kümmert, sowas hätte ich auch gern zu hause, da wäre ich öfters in der Wanne. Danke Dennis für dieses tolle Erlebnis mit dir.