Marita touches you and your inner self with her loving hands, her attentive heart and her devoted soul.
Guestfeedback from Kathrin

Main Offers: Tantric massage in the style of AnandaWave and sex coaching
As a former journalist and editor, the art of verbal expression has always been close to my heart. But through my coaching training and my professional practice, I have become increasingly concerned with the power of our unconscious linguistic space and have now focused particularly on dialog through touch.
Through the direct emotional touch of a tantric massage, a space opens up within us that goes far beyond the boundaries of language. We experience a creative space of pleasurable self-development.
The meditative sensuality stimulates psychological and spiritual processes that gently allow our memories of ourselves to emerge. With this inner sense of ourselves and our wonderful potential, an infinite power slowly awakens within us.
It gives me great pleasure to accompany you through my massage on the path to your full power.
As a sexual coach, I particularly support women of all ages in activating the flow of their lustful and creative energy.
Your lap shows you the way!
Data & Facts
Experience as a coach since 2013
Experience with giving tantric massage since July 2023
German, English
Background & Training
04/2024 – now
Further training in sex therapy at the Institute for Sex Therapy and Sex Education under the direction of Stefan Leschner
07/2023 – now
Training as a tantric masseuse at AnandaWave
01/2024 – 12/2024
07/2024 – 11/2024
Start in the Team of Ananda Köln
Training as a foot reflexology masseuse at the Taohealth - Academy for Holistic Healing Methods
Training as a wellness masseuse at the Academy for Sport and Health
09/2012 – 06/2013
Training as a systemic coach at the Institute for Applied Psychology
Liebevoll, zugewandt und hocherotisch, er- und aufregend und gleichzeitig entspannend - danke für dieses besondere Erlebnis liebe Marita!
Liebe Marita,
gestern hatte ich zum ersten Mal bei Dir eine Massage. Selbstbewußt und mit einem freundlichen Lächeln hast Du mich empfangen. Mit Deiner herzlichen Art hast Du mich durch's Vorgespräch geführt, sodaß ich mich gleich gut aufgehoben fühlte. In der anschließenden Massage hast Du erfühlt was für mich gut ist. Nähe und Distanz setzt Du gekonnt ein, wodurch das Wohlgefühl auf hohem Niveau gehalten wird.
Ein ganz herzliches Dankeschön an Dich für die tolle Arbeit die Du geleistet hast. Ich freue mich schon auf den nächsten Termin bei Dir.