Could it be that our strongest political power lies within the sensual, pleasurable and playful?
Main Offers: Tantra massage and certified trainer for Tantric massage (TMV)
I create loving and safe spaces where people can take off on a journey to their sexual essence - pure and genuine.
About Madlen
I am offering tantric massages and sex coaching for people who are looking for a mindful companion in exploring their own sexuality. I also offer workshops and seminars to learn the "art of touch". (
My passion is the co-creation of a diverse and cosmopolitan sexual culture in Germany. I am convinced that an enlightened and responsible cultivation of sexuality would prevent many problems and shares the desire for more freedom, a sense of responsibility and creativity.
For more information please visit:
Data & Facts
Co-leader and Companion to Massage Trainings with Michaela Riedl, AnandaWave (since 10/2016)
long-term Experience with Yoga and Relaxation Techniques
Certified Banking Business Economist
German, English
Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®
Certified Sexological Bodyworker (CSB)
Background & Training
07/2018 – now
02/2016 – now
06/2024 – 08/2024
10/2016 – 12/2023
Emotional Moving Concept „Bewegung in der Tantramassage“
02/2018 – 12/2020
05/2015 – 10/2020
Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner / Bodywork bei Tobias Frank
01/2015 – 06/2016
Stepping out onto the street after the massage the world looked kind of different. Like the world was a dream and more a reflection of the inner world than the ground of reality. To some degree this perspective is still with me. My heart is still warm with the trust that appeared in our session and normally trusting does not come easy for me.
Feeling connected to the ground in this way there was just openness and acceptance to be with this adventure. I am still wondering about where my tears were coming from. Well, sexuality never came easy to me. There with you it felt beyond any past disappointment, just experiencing the sensations of my body. Even the expectation of having an orgasm was disappearing in the now. What shines up was the moment when you touched my tearful cheek. Even remembering it the tears just come.
Actually I am a little bit puzzled by how much I still feel your presence now. Do you know what the Sufis describe as the “Beloved”? It is an ecstatic experience of Beingness or God, maybe in a sense similar to the universal love we have been talking about. For me it feels like an uncaused happiness, which is not bound to the conditions of the world. It is also a perspective of unity. That is what I felt in the massage with you – becoming one in truth. The sense of a separate identity seems to fade in the experience, just the joy of beingness connected to beingness remains. Also in this perspective it is not personal and everything turns into the Beloved. So, you are the Beloved, too. 😊
The soul takes on a glow, the heart feels a deep gratitude. I guess as an expression of this in the last days an image came to me, where I was kissing your feet. In some sense all this feels almost too good to be true and it probably won't last like that. I guess it is kind of hard for me to believe it could be more real than experiencing life from a perspective of deficiency.
Thank you for being with me!
Für mich war es in der vergangenen Woche das erste Mal,
dass ich mir eine Tantra Massage gegönnt habe. Natürlich war ich ein wenig nervös und es ist sicherlich nicht immer einfach gleich beim ersten Mal richtig abzuschalten und an nichts anderes zu denken.
Gleich nach dem herzlichen und lockeren Empfang durch Madlen hatte ich das Gefühl hier richtig aufgehoben zu sein.
Madlen einfach mit zärtlichen Händen und mit einem schönen sowie weichen Körper zum Massieren hat mir gleich das Gefühl gegeben hier richtig angekommen zu sein. Einfach ein Traumerlebnis.Für mich war es ganz bestimmt nicht das letzte Mal.Weiter so liebes Ananda Team.
Lg an Madlen