Our encounter is a special time of empathy, of diving into the depths & blossoming of energy, which is fascinatingly stimulated to flow.
Shanu about her work

Main Offers: Tantramassage in the style of AnandaWave
Touch, free and unveiled, is the connecting element during our encounter. It is expressed through a sense of timelessness in the form of a massage, according to the principle of empathy, diving into the depths & blossoming of energy, which is encouraged to flow unbridled: fresh and immediate.
About Shanu
Creating a special atmosphere connects Shanu's offers with and for people: Previously working as a set designer for television and today with yoga, massage & coaching offers, singing, workshops and as a freelance speaker.
Personally, Shanu is cheerful, strong and empathic. Spontaneity, openness, sincerity, the liveliness of carbonic acid in mineral water, sweetness, freshness, depth, movement, dancing salsa, music (listening and making), singing & authentic people are close and dear to her!
Each individual tantra massage becomes a personal ceremony in a life-oriented atmosphere, which is an answer to the beauty of life: beauty in the sense of being human, being true to oneself, approachable, speaking and living from the heart. An honest encounter can be felt and enhaces the qualities of appreciation, joy and trust. This space invites you to relax deeply, feel free and become one with your own physicality, longing and sensuality.
Shanu leads from the heart into a living presence: energetic massaging hands make it easy to feel yourself, flowing strokes envelop you with balance, quiet and sensual moments allow you to let go and feel ecstatic. In this way, pulsating energy can arise, be moved, condense or expand, express itself directly or spread out both evenly and intensively.
Data & Facts
Thaiyoga Masseurin seit 2015
German, English
Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®
Background & Training
01/2007 – now
01/2024 – 12/2024
12/2018 – 11/2023
01/2020 – 03/2023
01/2020 – 05/2022
im ANANDA-Team seit 07/2020
01/2017 – 12/2017
Liebe Shanu,
gestern hatte ich zum ersten Mal das Vergnügen von Dir massiert zu werden. Deine Ansprache und Dein Lächeln bei der Begrüßung ließen gleich ein Wohlgefühl in mir entstehen. In der Massage konntest Du dieses Gefühl noch steigern. Geschickt hast Du durch Distanz und Nähe eine große Breite an Empfindungen herbei geführt. Das konntest Du noch intensiver gestalten, indem Du mich unterschiedlich stark berührt hast. Die mir entgegen gebrachte Achtsamkeit bewirkte eine große menschliche Nähe während unserer gesamten gemeinsamen Zeit.
Nach Deiner Massage ist man gut geerdet und erfüllt mit innerer Ruhe. Vielen Dank für dieses tolle Erlebnis. Wir werden uns sicher wiedersehen, denn diese Begegnung soll kein einmaliges Erlebnis sein.
Liebe Grüße, Horst
Shanu, ich liebe Dich!